Monday, October 26, 2009

Picture at 8 Weeks

Nope, no baby bump yet, but it's good to take a picture of where I started. And despite my hopes and almost-best *lol* efforts, I've put on a few pounds. Anyway, the next few months will start showing some changes... stay tuned.

8 Weeks Today!

About 8 weeks ago everything changed for my husband and I. Four tests confirmed... we're going to have a baby! I feel like I held my breath for the first month, but I'm halfway through the first trimester, and feeling pretty good.

Poor Dermot, the house is topsy turvy, and the bed's never made. I've even stopped cooking most of the time, all because of an exhaustion that I've never experienced before. I'll be trucking along, just fine and then BAM! I have to close my eyes. It's usually between 2-5:00.

But the rest, not too bad. A little light nausea every once in a while, but it's all for a good cause.

So... I'm due in early June and ready for this whole new adventure!